"WE doing for some kNoWlEdGe .. we very glad for your comment before leaving "

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Wednesday 15 June 2011

"Final Analysis"

salam and hai everbody, 

     Today is last our to share information with you all. We be miss your out there. This is our last assigement post for OPen Source. For this enrty we, will compile all topic that we had learn in our clases. Form the first enrty we know that Linux is connected to GNU project.  Learn linux is more intetersting to have distribution like Fedora, Redhat, Ubuntu. and soon on .Many benefis if try to learn about linux.Sometimes, we still not undertstand with the linux interface, but  we try to understand it that make we  more learn it .Importanthing about linux is a about term of FREE. What is free? that we want to mean is that software  is are " Software all people can get free zero price ". Finally we hope in the future, more poeple want to learn about linux. ...Thanks to lectuer, family , friends for supporting us..to make this blog. :)

Sunday 5 June 2011

" Blogger and Forum"

     Hai all reader,  we want share litte information with you all. Today entry is about blogger and some forum that  make information about Open Source. We started from Open Source Lover .Its simple and reader can understand and people
 can make it as a reference.   
For the next  blog is Open Source Software 
and Selipar - techno, Junior Open Source this all
 blog had thier own feature.
 Diffrerent blogger with the diffrerent story
 about they share same information with reader.   
    Next is forum that gave information
 about Open Source:

1 ) Military. net 

2) Linux Forum

3) Linux Server information 

4 ) Linux 

 Hopefully we had help you to find or search for
 looking information 
and hellping your to find
 forum and blogger that had make
 information about linux.

thnks to : Open source lover, Open source software, 
Selipar-Techno. and http://crunchbanglinux.org/. for the informationn  :)

Friday 3 June 2011

"what is good in Open Source and How to Promote It?

        Hye there ...From the information we give to you. We  has been shared with the public about the history and the advantages of Open Source.   Open source  not only can been see can be changed, viewed, and can distribute back also. It been part our responsible as student and human so shared information with you.  Many step and things for you to interest to open source:

1) You can try to look to thier interface.
The gnome dekstop. It different with windows.Ever OS had thier own system.

 2) For the beginner you can try learn with the book guide :



3) You can  learn new enviroment that different in other OS system .

thanks to -->>http://www.amazon.com/dp/1593271182?tag=unixtutorialf-20&camp=14573&creative=327641&linkCode=as1&creativeASIN=1593271182&adid=0Y5N6P2ABKBQJRRGM5E3&

Wednesday 1 June 2011

' Item that free in Open Source"

Do you know that open source can have free item ?...
This is a little information that we wan to share with you :

1.  Alternative terms for free software have been a controversial issue among free software users from the late 1990s onwards.
-1983 by Richard Stallman, "free software".

2. Alternatives for "free software" were sought for marketing purposes and because of a perceived "moralising and confrontational" attitude that had been associated with the term.
- The "available at no cost" ambiguity of the word "free" was seen as discouraging business adoption.

3.Those at the meeting described "open source" as a "replacement label" for free software and Open Source Initiative was soon-after founded by Eric Raymond and Bruce Perens to promote the term as part of "a marketing program for free software

4.The terms "free software" and "open source software" has fans and critics. Partly because of the failure to adopt one specific term, other terms have been proposed:

- These include
  a) "Software Libre" (or libre software),
   b) "FLOSS" (Free/Libre/Open Source Software),
   c ) "FOSS" (or F/OSS, Free and Open Source Software).

   ** These terms share almost identical licence criteria and development practices.**

tq for this site for sharing information --> http:wiki/Alternative_terms_for_free_software