Most operating system had their on specialitis and now many type opearting system like MAC,LINUX, and WINDOWS . In thier type had thier own advantages. For the linux, advantages is organisational benefits from the use of Open Source Software :
♫♫♫ Reliability ♫♫♫
Reliability is a loose term. Broadly, we can take it to mean the absence of defects which cause incorrect operation, data loss or sudden failures, perhaps what many people would mean when they use the term `bug'. Strictly, a bug would also mean failure to meet the specification, but since most Open Source projects dispense with the concept of anything easily recognisable as a formal specification, it's hard to point to that as good way of defining what is a bug and what is a feature.
♫♫♫ Stability ♫♫♫
In a business environment software is mostly a necessary evil, a tool to do a job. Unless the job changes or more efficient processes are discovered then there is rarely pressure or need to alter the software that is being used to assist the task. This is more or less directly counter to what motivates software vendors who are in the unenviable position of supplying a commodity that does not wear out or age much.
♫♫♫ Auditability ♫♫♫
A rarely-understood benefit of Open Source software (any software where the source code is published) is its auditability. Closed-source software forces its users to trust the vendor when claims are made for qualities such as security, freedom from backdoors, adherence to standards and flexibility in the face of future changes. If the source code is not available those claims remain simply claims.
♫♫♫ Cost ♫♫♫
Confusion around the commonly used term `free software'. Regrettably the English language does not have separate concepts for free-of-charge and free as in unconstrained; other languages are better equipped to describe the difference between `freedom' and `free of charge' (libre vs. gratis).
♫♫♫ Flexibility and Freedom ♫♫♫
In a business context, software flexibility is about being able to choose solutions suitable for the needs of the users. Many commercial software products will claim flexibility as a built-in feature and some will undoubtedly be correct.
♫♫♫ Support and Accountability ♫♫♫
It may appear counter-intuitive at first, especially to someone used only to dealing with proprietary software, but whilst the models for obtaining support and accountability for Open Source software are clearly different, the Open Source outcome is generally better than for all but unusual cases of user-vendor relationships.