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Sunday, 5 June 2011

" Blogger and Forum"

     Hai all reader,  we want share litte information with you all. Today entry is about blogger and some forum that  make information about Open Source. We started from Open Source Lover .Its simple and reader can understand and people
 can make it as a reference.   
For the next  blog is Open Source Software 
and Selipar - techno, Junior Open Source this all
 blog had thier own feature.
 Diffrerent blogger with the diffrerent story
 about they share same information with reader.   
    Next is forum that gave information
 about Open Source:

1 ) Military. net 

2) Linux Forum

3) Linux Server information 

4 ) Linux 

 Hopefully we had help you to find or search for
 looking information 
and hellping your to find
 forum and blogger that had make
 information about linux.

thnks to : Open source lover, Open source software, 
Selipar-Techno. and http://crunchbanglinux.org/. for the informationn  :)


  1. thanks for the information but , make sure the sentences must be in good arrangement .

  2. hye cik yana tq for the advie...:)

  3. welcome . hope this advice can be received and make the changes I was happy to finish this blog.
