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Wednesday, 1 June 2011

' Item that free in Open Source"

Do you know that open source can have free item ?...
This is a little information that we wan to share with you :

1.  Alternative terms for free software have been a controversial issue among free software users from the late 1990s onwards.
-1983 by Richard Stallman, "free software".

2. Alternatives for "free software" were sought for marketing purposes and because of a perceived "moralising and confrontational" attitude that had been associated with the term.
- The "available at no cost" ambiguity of the word "free" was seen as discouraging business adoption.

3.Those at the meeting described "open source" as a "replacement label" for free software and Open Source Initiative was soon-after founded by Eric Raymond and Bruce Perens to promote the term as part of "a marketing program for free software

4.The terms "free software" and "open source software" has fans and critics. Partly because of the failure to adopt one specific term, other terms have been proposed:

- These include
  a) "Software Libre" (or libre software),
   b) "FLOSS" (Free/Libre/Open Source Software),
   c ) "FOSS" (or F/OSS, Free and Open Source Software).

   ** These terms share almost identical licence criteria and development practices.**

tq for this site for sharing information --> http:wiki/Alternative_terms_for_free_software